Trujillo Family Pictures  
  posted 1/3/2002
Trujillo Family

Well we had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year! We really missed Mom coming from Las Vegas to visit though!!! The next couple of pages are dedicated to the holiday break that we all got to spend together. (Page 3 0f 12) (Click back 2 more pages to see all the new holiday pics.)

I think this one is bigger than Lex is.
The back of the house, we are getting it ready for lattice. It is as cold as it looks.
And the snowball fight shall begin.
Marty working away, while the family is outside playing in the snow. (Yeah it's a little cold down there.)
The boys are prepared to go fight the dinosaurs!!
The snow has started to melt. Our crooked tree still has a good layer on it though.
Isn't it pretty out back behind the house?!
The creek behind our house... the water is on the rise a little from the snow melting.
Melissa opening a gift from Marty.
Ana was handing out all the presents. She loved the job.