Trujillo Family Pictures  
  posted 12/23/2001
Trujillo Family

We had a chance to cruise down Orlando Florida for a couple of days. Since we we're only there for a couple of days we only had a chance to do a few things. Lex was extremely fixated on going back to Universal Studios so he could ride the Men In Black ride (he was too short last time - and barely made it this time [whew... it was really close]). In general we had an incredible experience at Universal Studios, we were especially impressed by an employee named Tameka (on the men in black ride). Her positive attitude and proactive nature made our visit to Universal Studios truly wonderful. We will definitely return to the Universal theme parks next time we are in Orlando. On the other extreme we went to a place called Go-Kart Magical Midway. I think this place was terrible. In general the facilities are pretty nice, but the customer service is absolutely disgusting. When we arrived the park manager was harassing a young african american gentleman, little did I know that less than an hour later I would find myself being thrown out of the park by the same park manager. In my opinion, Disney and Universal Studios should send their employees the Go-Kart Magical Midway so they can learn what not to do. In my opinion, the employees they have hired range from mildly obnoxious to incredibly asinine. Based on my observations, promotions are based on how creatively one can abuse paying customers. Our experience at the Go-Kart Magical Midway fell somewhere between minor oral surgery and demon possession.

A shocking experience!
Lex didn't like it when Grandma set the shock level to high.
Sun and fun at Universal Studios.
Lex and Rod playing with their new MIB guns.
The kids in front of the Wonder Works
Earthquake room.
The kids look right at home in front of the computer.
Melissa fragging an enemy in VR.
Ana thought she was hot stuff when she got picked to be a shopper in the Earthquake ride (for the second time).
Those are some big presents!