Trujillo Family Pictures  
  posted 1/3/2002
Trujillo Family

Well we had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year! We really missed Mom coming from Las Vegas to visit though!!! The next couple of pages are dedicated to the holiday break that we all got to spend together. (Page 12 0f 12) (Click back 11 pages to see all the new holiday pics.)

Lex ducked out of the way on that one!
Run Ana, their coming!
Christmas dinner.. We had Cornish hens. Everyone got their own. It was stuffed with cornbread stuffing. YUM!
Everyone is ready to eat Christmas dinner. (Notice Rod is still shirtless!)
Ana is happy cuz she helped Mom cook this year!
Do you want to see Rod and Lex talking about hunting dragons/dinosaurs? Click on the picture.