Trujillo Family Web Page
  Trujillo Family Pictures  
  posted 6/27/2002
Trujillo Family

This is the first update since last Christmas, sorry about that. It was a wonderful spring and so far it's been a very mild summer. Rod has played baseball and has been in a lot of soccer camps. Ana is in North Carolina right now. She made it on the Santos U-14 Athena A soccer team. She is very excited about playing in the A league this fall. Lex was in soccer camp all of the week, the coach told Melissa that if Rod didn't watch out Lex is going to catch up to him soon.

Ana and her pals right before we went to Dave and Busters for her birthday!
Hey, Rod aren't you supposed to be looking at the ball? It's OK though, Rod was hitting everyone one by the time the championships rolled around.
Ana standing in line with the other keepers waiting for her turn to get shot on.
Lex checking out Rod's birthday cake. He looks hungry.
Rod is getting ready to blow out his candle, I wonder what he wished for.
Rod is running into first base, he was out by a hair, the voices you hear are me and Ana. She's telling me about the latest drama at her school (her boyfriend was supposedly seen at the mall).
Rod is running to home base, I don't know how he could see with that big helmet on his head.